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Rights and Responsibilites
The following rights and responsibilities apply to all members and visitors who make use of this Checker Car Club of America web site:
Members may make use of all parts of the web site except those reserved for adminstators;
Non-members (i.e. visitors) may make use of the site except for pages that are reserved for members;
Pages reserved for members must be accessed by entering an authorized User ID and password;
Members and visitors may contribute content (text, music, videos, photos, multi-media) on pages that accept such content if and only if they comply with prevailing modes of social interaction;
As a site devoted to Checker vehicles and related information, members and non-members are expected to contribute content limited to such information and refrain from the following:
Attacks on individuals including flaming, bullying or derogatory comments;
Profanity whether explicit or disguised;
Photographs in bad taste including those with nudity and/or obscene gestures or suggestions;
Text or graphics related to politics and/or religion;
Copying and/or forwarding of copyrighted content whether it belongs to the Club or any other individual or entity;
Topics un-related to Checker vehicles and/or the Club may be contributed at your discretion but may be removed by the site adminstrator at his/her discretion;
Any and all content contributed by you via this web site may be used in the club newsletter (The Checkerboard News) or reproduced on this or other web and/or social media sites managed by the Club. By posting to the web site(s), you give permission for such reprint / reuse.
Perceived and repeat violations of the above will be referred by the web site administrator or individuals responsible for specific parts of the web site to the Checker Car Club of America Board of Directors;
The Board of Directors may at its sole discretion remove the ability to post content by and/or cancel the membership of said violator.