Finding Answers in Our Newsletters
As you know, almost all of the CCCoA quarterly newsletters are available from the Library page of the Club web site, Checker World. Since...

How well do you know your Checkers?
Copyright 2015 - Checker Car Club of America The weather was great for the 52nd Annual August Festival at Macungie, PA. I was the last to...

Checker VIN Decoder
Article Copyright 2010 - Checker Car Club of America This document is an attempt to consolidate Checker serial number and VIN information...

Winkoff Memories
I first saw a Winkoff Checker on the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago in early Spring 1982. My wife and I had an ongoing argument in that...

What's to Become of This Immaculate Checker A12E?
If you have read my blog post about the Swiss Checker Ambulances, I need to admit that I did not mention the discovery of yet another...

Welcome to the Checker World Blog
The Checker World Blog is a publication of the Checker Car Club of America. You can think of it as a continuously updated newsletter....

Chasing Ambulances: Swiss Mystery Solved
In 1969 Checker Motors introduced the Medicar with a raised roof and 170 degree opening doors to serve as ambulances. A full five years...

About the Checker World Web Site
The Checker World Web Site (www.checkerworld.org) is the official web site of the Checker Car Club of America. The main page looks like...