About the Checker World Web Site
The Checker World Web Site (www.checkerworld.org) is the official web site of the Checker Car Club of America.
The main page looks like this:

To get the most from the web site, click on the red information icon for a description of every part as depicted by the 12 icons shown around the circle.
All but the Facebook and Forum sections are part of the main Checker World site. When you click on either the Facebook or Forum icon, you will be leaving the main site. If your browser works as expected, these two applications will open in separate windows. In other words, the Checker World web site will remain in one window (tab) while either Facebook or the Forum will open in a second or third window (tab).
Checker World Facebook Page:
Use Facebook to carry on an informal and timely conversation with members and other Checker enthusiasts. All of the standard Facebook features are available to you.
Checker World Forum:
The Checker Taxi Stand Forum has been replaced by the Checker World Forum. It is there to support discussions about very specific topics related to Checker vehicles. Most of the content in the Taxi Stand Forum has been migrated to the Checker World Forum. If you can't find something that you know was there before, please let us know. We are now leveraging the most powerful features of the Forum rather than trying to have it do things that it's not really good at. So, the two most powerful capabilities of the Forum are 1. threaded discussions and 2. search. While you can and should post photos within the discussions, we will no longer use the Forum as a photo gallery.
Finally, a note about media such as photos, videos and music:
Checker World Photos, Videos and Music:
We no longer think that these media should be kept in one big electronic file. It's better to categorize the media by topic and make them available where it makes the most sense. This is why we have put historical photos of Checker models on the Museum and Library pages of the web site. Convention photos are now available via the convention pages of the web site. Member photos are available via the Photos section of the Checker World web site.
If you have any questions about the design or the content of the Checker World web site, please use the Contact form to communicate with us.