Welcome to the Checker World Blog

The Checker World Blog is a publication of the Checker Car Club of America. You can think of it as a continuously updated newsletter.
Just like our printed quarterly newsletter, the blog is meant to report news about the club and articles related to all things Checker.
Since this is your web site, we want to encourage you to submit news and articles (including photos) as you see fit. Just use the Contact form of the web site for this or send us submissions by email if you already have the addresses for the people who handle editorial matters. The Editor in Chief is John Weinhoeft and the web site content administrator is George Laszlo.
While it's important for you to know what the blog is all about, it is also important to note what it is not. Specifically, the blog is not meant to be a replacement for other social media tools like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. All of those tools have their place and we will use them as appropriate.
So, to keep things simple, think of the Blog as a place to write articles (long or short) about Checker cars, Checker Motors, Checker history, your experiences with Checkers or ways to fix specific mechanical, electrical or body/frame problems.
If in doubt, click the red information icon on the main page of the Checker World web site to see what tool is best to use in any given situation. When in doubt, just use the Contact form to ask us for help.
Happy Blogging!