2015 Checkers at Macungie, PA
Copyright 2015 - Checker Car Club of America
Das Awkscht Fescht (The August Festival) was held in Macungie, PA and the club day was Sunday, August 2nd. In contrast to last year, the weather was great all three days of the Festival. Our Checker Club (class 22) showed 8 member cars, one more than last year.
Again the club day was a family day. Since he lives closest, Chris Hutter and his son Gavin got there first with his 1976 A11Taxi. My wife, Marge, and I arrived next with my 1956 A8 Standard Taxi. Jim and Nicole Rodgers and James Jr. came with two A11s, his multi-colored 1965 and his original 1976. Doug and Carol Klauck traveled from West Virginia in their blue/gray 1972 Marathon. The other Marathons were George and Estana Lukacs’ 1970 from Virginia, Bill and Elaine Hosfield with their 1965, and our Club Treasurer, Tony Mattern with his 1967.
Victor Coiro stopped by and explained that unfortunately, his plan to bring his Marathon wagon was cut short by a faulty starter. We met many individuals who wanted to “talk Checker” and look forward to possibly having one new member with an A11E in 2016.The next Das Awkscht Fescht club day will be Sunday, August 7, 2016. Remember, any year Checker is welcome at this show. We hope to see more than 8 cars. Registration by December 31, 2015 is $12. Registration by July 1, 2016 is $15. There is no day of show registrations. If you would like a registration form, please contact me at buhrich28@gmail.com.
Bill, Chris, Victor, and Jim

Doug and Bruce

Two Taxi in yellow

Tony’s A12

Five Cars