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Texas Checkers For Sale

Note: If you are interested in buying any of these Checkers, please contact George Laszlo at or via Messenger on our Checker World Facebook page. He will put you in touch with the seller.

Tom Owens of Midland, Texas was an avid car collector who also loved Checkers. As many of us, Tom collected more Checkers than he could restore. Unfortunately, Tom left this earth last April after a fruitful life helping others like being a mentor to young men in the organization "Sons of Confederate Veterans." He was also involved in the promotion of Texas History like the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence.

Now, more than a year after Tom's death, his wife (Galina) has asked us for help to sell his Checker car collection.

The following cars available:

- 1979 Checker A-11 (White)

- 1969 Checker Marathon (Tan)

- 1965 Checker Marathon Wagon (Blue)

- 1964 Checker Marathon Wagon (Bronze)

The blue wagon and the tan sedan were primarily stored in a garage while the others were kept outdoors. The garaged cars are thus in better overall shape than the others. Galina recognizes that the cars can be restored or used for parts. The prices are thus negotiable.

Tom kept a marker board in his garage showing what needs to be done to each car and which of those tasks he has completed.

With that in mind, here are some photos of each car and what needs to be done with each as noted by Tom on his whiteboard:

1979 Checker A-11 (White):

To do: Locks, Air conditioning, Paint Job

1969 Checker Marathon (Tan)

To do: Rebuild motor; Research rear springs; Repair rear seat; Compound & polish; License & inspection.

1965 Checker Marathon Wagon (Blue)

Completed: Disc brakes; Fixed electrical short; Transmission repair; Fixed oil leak; Rear end changed; Wheels fixed;

To do: Fix A/C; Driver side lock; Body work & paint job; Power steering/alignment; Sway bar - rear; Exhaust

1964 Checker Marathon Wagon (Bronze)

To do: Disc brakes; 350 Engine & trans; Rugs; Radio; A/C; Body work & paint; Tires

It should go without saying that these cars are being sold AS IS. You will need to evaluate the cars from the photos and Tom's 'To Do' list. Please don't ask for more information about the 'to do' items since no-one knows any more about them than what Tom put on the board. Of course, if you are able, you can go see the cars in person.

Galina has the titles to all four of these cars. She has not put a price on any of them. It is really up to you to make an offer. She only asks that you make an offer that is both fair to you and her. In other words, don't try to offer less than you really think the car is worth to you. She will give more consideration to offers that include restoration rather than use as a parts car. But, no reasonable offer will be refused.

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A Checker Owner Is Never Alone
Except when working on the Checker.
What a peaceful time!

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