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Checkers for Sale - Now on Checker World

Copyright 2017 - Checker Car Club of America, Inc.

We are pleased to announce that our web site, Checker World, now features a new "Checkers For Sale" section.

More than a year in the making, this new feature will help you find the Checker of your dreams and also track the state of the used Checker car market.

As you can see in the screen shot above, all cars that we know about will be listed for a period of 90 days.* This decision was made based on the fact that it is nearly impossible to know when and for how much a particular Checker was sold. By providing a 90 day window in reverse chronological order (i.e. latest first), you will always be able to see the latest listings.

The spreadsheet is set up so you can scroll both up and down and left to right. Scrolling down will take you back in time. Scrolling left to right will show you all of the information that we collect on each vehicle, including ways to contact the seller and link to the on-line ad, if there is one.

The following information is given for each car if it is available:

  • State / Region / Country

  • Year (of the car)

  • Model

  • Photos (if provided by the seller)

  • Condition

  • Asking Price

  • Terms (of sale)

  • Description (provided by the seller)

  • ZIP / Postal Code

  • Ad Link

  • List Date

  • CCCoA ID (assigned by the Club)

  • Seller (name if it can be published)

  • Phone (number if it can be published)

  • eMail (of the seller if it can be published)

Two of these fields can be expanded to show more information: Photos and Description

If you click on a Photos cell, you will see a diagonal set of arrows. This tells you that the photos can be expanded.

By clicking on the arrows, the cell will open up as follows:

You will then be able to see all the photos made available by the seller.

But, you can also put these photos into slide-show mode by simply clicking any of the images.

A similar process will open the Description field as well. Just click on the cell and then on the diagonal arrows.

Note the letter 'X' bubble in the top right corner. You can use that to close any of the expanded views you have opened.

As you know, Checker cars are advertised in many places on the web. Some people use Craigslist while others relay on eBay, Hemmings and many other sites. This is where many of you also look to see what is on sale. It is thus important to note that a listing in our "Checkers For Sale" section can be created by anyone, even if they are not the seller. That means that YOU can create a listing whenever you find a Checker for sale.

To create a new listing, you can just click on the 'Click Here' button under the "Selling Your Checker?" text in the top left corner.

When you do this, the following form will pop up. Just fill it in with the information from the ad and click the "Submit" button. The car will immediately show up in the table. Note, however, that it will be at the bottom of the list until it is reviewed and approved by one of our web site administrators.

That's all there is to it.

We hope you will find this new feature of use. If you'd like to make suggestions about the way it can be improved, please send us a note via the Checker World web site Contact form.

P.S. - When planning this new feature, it became evident that having a "For Sale" section on the Checkers Worldwide Map on our web site no longer made sense. For this reason, we will be removing that section from the Map. The Map will not be available for the next few days while this change is being made.

* - For the introduction of this new Checker World feature, we are showing all cars put on sale in 2017.

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© 2024 Checker Car Club of America, Inc. ®

Copyright Notice

The Checker Car Club of America (CCCoA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of information about Checker taxis, cars and specialty vehicles built between 1921 and 1982. As such, we serve as a research organization to our members and the public at large who wish to learn about these vehicles.


As a research organization, the documents, photos, graphics and any other information [the information] made available electronically on this and all other CCCoA web sites and/or electronic communications come under the provisions of fair use as defined by the United States Copyright Act of 1976 (Pub. L. 94-553 Oct. 19, 1976).


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A Checker Owner Is Never Alone
Except when working on the Checker.
What a peaceful time!

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