2018 Checker Car Club Convention
Copyright 2017 - Checker Car Club of America, Inc.
Revised January 7, 2018
A Cruise On The Indiana Heritage Trail
Mark your calendars for Tuesday to Saturday (June 26-30, 2018) and get ready to drive your Checker on one of the most beautiful country routes in the United States!

For it’s on those dates that we will hold our 2018 Checker Car Club Convention. With our home base in Elkhart, we will travel to towns with names like Goshen, Middlebury, Nappanee, Bristol, Wakarusa and Shipshewana.
Tuesday will be the kick-off for both hotel and convention registrations and the time to get reconnected with old friends and to meet Checker Car Club members who you may not have known before. We will also plan a few informal events for the afternoon and evening. For example, if you arrive on Tuesday, you will be able to attend the Kroozin' USA Car Show and enjoy a lot full of local classic cars while you show off your Checker.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be the busiest days of our convention.
On Wednesday, you’ll have the chance to get a tour of Elkhart and/or enjoy a visit to one of the largest flea markets in the country. The Shipshewana Flea Market is a do-not-miss Hoosier tradition with nearly 900 booths in an open-air market covering 100 acres. The vendors are open 8:00 am-5:00 pm.

On Thursday, we will do the Amish Heritage Tour. There will be lots to see along the way. To get a feel for the trail, watch this video. You can also download the trail guide (including maps) here.

On Friday, there will be other places to see and things to do. We will provide information about them as we get closer to the Convention.
Friday will also be the day for our banquet. This time, however, we are in for a treat, We will be going to a real Amish family home for an Amish Feast, something like going to a traditional wedding feast.

As always, we look forward to great get-togethers with our Checker friends in the hotel parking lot and the various places that we'll visit from Tuesday to Friday.
Our hotel, Microtel Inn & Suites, will be off Exit 92 of the Indiana Toll Road in Elkhart. Reservations can be made between January 1 and May 31, 2018. We have negotiated the following rates for Checker Car Club members:
1 or 2 Queen Beds: $62.50 per night plus tax
Queen Suite with Sofabed: $74.50 plus tax
Just call the hotel to make your reservation ASAP:

To get the Checker Car Club rate, mention that you are a CCCoA member!
If you are not currently a Checker Car Club member and plan to stay for at least two nights, it pays to join first! Remember, our dues are only $25 per year or just $30 if you live outside the USA.
You can join on line at www.checkerworld.org/membership.
The rates will go up on June 1st to at least $89.99 per night. It will be best if you arrive on Tuesday and leave on Saturday morning after breakfast.
There is more to come. For now, just get ready for a different Checker Car Club Convention.
2018 Convention Coordinator
Ron Leatz