The Health of the Checker Car Club...
Copyright 2017 - Checker Car Club of America, Inc.
... and its prognosis.

As we know, the Checker Car Club caught a cold last year and we took the appropriate medicine to prevent it from turning into the flu. So, as one would expect, we shook off the illness and are recovering well. It won't take long to fully recover and be stronger and better than before.
An example of the health of our Club is the great Checker Car Club convention held in Kalamazoo ( the official home of Checkers) this last July, a little later than normal but always worth attending. Jim and his committee did a tremendous job in providing the attendees with a variety of activities and something for everyone. Thank you Jim and your committee for an unforgettable experience. To see photos from this highly successful event, just click this link.
Our 2018 convention will be held in Elkhart, Indiana and is being organized by Ron Leatz. It's the RV manufacturing capital of the world. I call it South Bend EAST. Details of the events and lodging will be in the next newsletter and, of course, on the CHECKER WORLD web site.
Another example of a healthy club is the fact that more than one person does the work. I have asked each board member to pitch in and preform certain tasks. By taking on different tasks this helps the club grow, become stronger and more stable.
One other example is the involvement of our members: by joining and paying dues, attending the conventions, contributing to the web site and Facebook page we share our love and enthusiasm for these fine cars.
So, the prognosis of our club is that we are healthier, stronger, growing and more prepared for the future...
... and Holy C_O_W (Checkers On the Web)!
Who would have thunk? A few years ago we were told by some of our members that the Checker community is a small one and getting smaller by the year. Boy, were they wrong!
...and that includes me.
In fact, the past two years have proven that there are thousands of Checker fans out there who simply need to be found. And what better way to do so than through the power of the internet and social media.
It seems that as more and more web sites post photos and articles about our beloved Checkers, other Checker fans make themselves known to us. Many of them will then join our Club and Facebook page.
Thus, our web strategy is starting to pay off nicely and has encouraged us to do even more in the future to improve our web presence. A good example is the new "Checkers for Sale" section. I am not going to go into our plans right now but you will hear the specifics over the next few months from our webmaster, George Laszlo.
In the meantime, the Checker World web site has a great link page taking you to lots of great web sites about Checkers. We're happy to share the list with you since our goal is to promote the legacy of Checker Motors no matter where it may be found.
Until the next time, thanks for listening.
Gary Lohsen,