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Convention Update!

2018 is here and the "Checker Car Club Convention" is getting in full gear.

First off, reserve your hotel room at Microtel-Elkhart. If you are a CCCoA member, mention it and ask for our discounted rates.

You must be a member of CCCA to get the room discount. After June 1 the rates go up to the

regular rate.

Since this will be a little different than past Conventions, lets try something. If you're bringing your Checker, see if you have extra room for other Checker fans. The Heritage Tour is a driving tour and parking can be a problem in these small towns.

So, let's save some space for more Checkers. And who knows, your new passengers may help pay for some fuel.

We've added one more event to the Convention. On Tuesday, June 26, we'll be going to the Kroozin' USA event at the Concord mall in Elkhart (4:30 PM to 8:00 PM). This is a local car show where you'll be able to show off your Checker to a lot of other car enthusiasts and see their cars too.

On Wednesday, June 27, you can go to the 3rd. largest swap meet in the US at Shipshewana. It's free to get in and we will receive 25 free parking passes. Also, for some that do not want to go to the swap meet in Shiphewana, we have some places in Elkhart to visit. Some have an admission fee that you will pay on your own.

Thursday, June 28, is the Heritage Tour. Fill that Checker gas tank the night before. We will start in Elkhart, go to Wakarusa and Nappanee with stops along the way. Lunch will be in Nappanee followed by our rolling tour through Topeka, Shipshewana, and Middlebury before returning to Elkhart. In Middlebury, our Checkers will be the featured car at the Das Dutchman Essenhaus car show (4:30 PM to 8:00 PM).

Friday, June 29, in the morning we will have our annual 'members only' Board Meeting while all others have breakfast. Then, the fun begins in Elkhart with about 5 locations to vist. At 6:00 p.m. we will go to "The Carriage House" for the Amish Wedding Feast dinner. After the feast we'll have our awards presentation, 50/50 drawing and silent auction.

Ron Leatz

P.S. The Chubby Trout has 22 craft beers on tap. It's just around the corner from the Microtel. No need to drive!

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The Checker Car Club of America (CCCoA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of information about Checker taxis, cars and specialty vehicles built between 1921 and 1982. As such, we serve as a research organization to our members and the public at large who wish to learn about these vehicles.


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A Checker Owner Is Never Alone
Except when working on the Checker.
What a peaceful time!

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