Using the Checker Photo Gallery
Copyright 2018 - Checker Car Club of America, Inc.
The "Checker Photo Gallery" is the best place to see historic photos of all Checker models built or planned from 1922 to 1982. It is also the best place to see hundreds of Checker cars, taxis, limousines, and specialty vehicles whether no longer in service, lost to the world, under restoration or still driving on streets all over the world.
In other words, the Checker Photo Gallery is THE place to satisfy your curiosity about these cars!
...and did we mention that you might just see your own Checker here?!
Gallery Organization
You can browse the photo collection three ways:
By Year
By Model
By Location (around the world)
You can switch among these categories at any time by using these buttons:
Think of these options as three main branches on a tree. You can climb onto any of the branches but also jump among them at will.
Getting To The Gallery
You can enter the Gallery from the main Checker Word web site page.
Note that the three options (branches) are shown under the "Checker Photos" heading. You can select the one you want (the branch you wish to follow) by just clicking on it.
Year Branch
When you click on the 'Year' branch, the gallery will open to a listing of Checkers from 1923 to 1982.
If, for example, you click on the year 1969, the following page will open:
Note that at the top of the screen we give the details of all Checker models manufactured that year. We include the model names, chassis numbers used and engines available for these cars. As you may be aware, the chassis numbers are part of the VIN assigned to each vehicle.
To see photos of a specific car manufactured that year, just scroll down to choose one of interest to you. Then, click either the photo or the 'View' button.
For example, if in 1969 you select the Medicar in California with the designation 'US-CA-41', the following gallery will open:
When the gallery opens, a slide show will start immediately. However, you can also use the left and right arrows on the two sides of the gallery window to change the photos as you wish.
Note that when you are finished looking at these photos, you can switch to any of the three branches using the buttons on the top right.
Model Branch
When you click on the 'Model' branch, the gallery will open to a listing of Checker models planned or made from 1923 to 1982.
These galleries will show a sample set of photos for the specific model that you have chosen to display.
If, for example, you click on the Model T, the following gallery will open:
The gallery for each Checker model is somewhat different than those for a car from a specific year since we present some historical information for each model too. From here, you can either go back to the model list or jump to the History section of the web site where all Checker models can be looked at directly. In most cases you will want to choose the 'Models' button.
Location Branch
When you click on the 'Location' branch, you will be taken to the "Checker World Map" which may already be familiar to you. It is, in fact, the same map that has been significantly updated.
The map gives you a geographical way to find cars in a specific region, country, state or city/town. You need only to zoom in on the area of interest. Note that you can drag the map with your mouse, center the area of interest and then use the + and - buttons to zoom in and out.
To keep from being overwhelmed by the lettered circles that designate the type of car in question, you can toggle the types on and off as indicated on the illustration above.
But, let's say that you want to see cars in Sweden. In this case, you can center Europe in the middle of the screen and then use the + button to zoom in on the Scandinavian countries.
When you click on any of the lettered circles, a short description of the car will pop up (see above). If the ID number appears underlined and in blue, you can click on it to see photos of that car.
As before, the slide show will start immediately but you can also move from photo to photo with the left and right arrow keys in the center of the display.
About Your Checker
As of now, there are photos of roughly 200 Checkers in the Photo Gallery. In the majority of the cases we have two to 5 photos of a car. Of course, there must be at least one photo of a car in order for us to be able to show it to you.
Which brings us to the question: "Have Your Registered Your Checker Yet?"
if you don't see your Checker in the Gallery, we certainly want to correct that situation. The easiest way to do so is for you to register it yourself.
We have made this as easy as possible by creating a submittal form that is available from the home screen of the Checker World web site. Or, just click here to do it.
If you are a current or former member of the Checker Car Club, it is likely that we already have your Checker in our database. This does not, however, mean that we have photos to go with the car. This is why it's important for you to go through the registration process.
However, you DO NOT have to be a member of the Club to either register your Checker or to have it show up in the Checker Photo Gallery. We want to show any and every Checker that was or is in service no matter where it may have been or is on our planet.
Your fellow Checker owners and fans will be grateful.
P.S. - If you have ideas/suggestions for the Checker Photo Gallery, please let us know via our Contact Form on Checker World.
P.P.S - As with anything that's new, there are bound to be some problems. It is likely that you will find some mistakes, bugs and other annoying things as you navigate this new photo gallery. If you do find things of this nature, please let us know. Screen shots would be very helpful. It's appreciated!